
Tynes Gymnasium to Get a New Floor

City officials say it will cost about $34,000 to replace the Tynes Gymnasium floor, which was damaged during last winter’s rains.

The gym, at 2101 Tuffree Blvd., has many soft spots and sunken areas, recreation superintendent Steve Pischel said. Although officials believed the floor could be played on, Pischel said he has received complaints from basketball and volleyball players about its condition.

“It’s not in the condition it should be in,” he said. “And it’s only going to get worse.”

The cost of replacing the floor will be covered by a grant from federal disaster relief funds.


The gym was closed last month and will reopen when the new floor is completed in mid-August, Pischel said.

In the meantime, residents are encouraged to use Oberle Gym, in McFadden Park on La Jolla and Melrose streets. Open gym hours there are 7 to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Adult volleyball and youth basketball leagues held at Tynes Gym will resume in August.
