
Brown’s Deficit Plan

Kathleen Brown’s column (“Clever Politics Don’t End $4-Billion Deficits,” Commentary, May 31) wastes a lot of ink reciting Gov. Pete Wilson’s lack of action on California’s budget fiasco. I’ve heard enough of that. Hopefully it will be corrected at the next election.

I am more interested in her deficit reduction plan. Would extending “the half- cent sales tax for three years” actually be enough to “pay off California’s remaining debts”? Can a method be devised to prevent the politicians from spending our taxes before they are collected two years down the road? I would like to hear more about her plan, with numbers.


Sun Valley

Kathleen Brown jumped on the “what does Jerry want?” bandwagon in kissing up to the Democratic Party hierarchy. She would not be “another Gov. Brown.” Jerry Brown was the only political candidate with the integrity to run a campaign with voluntary, built-in reform. His sister would be just another paid-for politician.



Santa Monica
