
Countdown to Election Day : 4 Days Left in the L.A. Mayoral Campaign : THE DAY IN REVIEW

How the mayoral candidates spent their day: An analysis of campaign records shows that the Democratic National Committee gave Michael Woo $100,000 for mailers despite a state ban on spending by political parties in nonpartisan municipal campaigns. The contribution, which outraged the Richard Riordan camp, came just days after a state judge blocked a similar contribution from the state Democratic Party, citing the constitutional ban.

Democratic National Committee officials say the donation is legal because the state ban applies only to state-chartered political parties, and the committee is a national entity. But Republican Party officials threatened legal action.

Meanwhile, a record number of absentee ballots are flowing in before Tuesday’s election. It is unclear whether the heavy volume portends a heavy turnout or is just the product of the candidates’ aggressive get-out-the-vote campaigns.


Endorsements: Six minor mayoral candidates for Riordan; the Los Angeles Times for Woo.

AIRWAVES / MAILBOX How the campaign was waged in the realm of advertising:

Woo sent out a mailer titled “See Dick Run,” seeking to tie Riordan to the anti-abortion movement, religious right and junk bond king Michael Milken. Riordan mailed Latino voters a letter of support from City Councilman Richard Alatorre.

COMING UP Some of the key events on the candidates’ schedules today: * City Councilman and former mayoral candidate Joel Wachs will walk Fairfax Boulevard at 10 a.m. in support of Riordan’s mayoral campaign.

* The president of the L.A. police union, a deputy district attorney and victims rights activists will hold a news conference at the Roybal Federal Office Building Plaza at 12:30 p.m. to announce their support for Riordan.


* Woo will hold a 10:45 a.m. news conference at Parker Center.

* Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt will appear with Woo at a 2:30 p.m. news conference at the General Motors Van Nuys assembly plant.
