
NOW Criticizes Handling of Sexual Harassment Charges


Representatives from the National Organization for Women on Tuesday let the City Council know that they are dissatisfied with the way Irvine has dealt with charges of sexual harassment in the Police Department.

Two members of NOW’s Bayview chapter expressed fear that the sexual harassment complaints were being “swept under the rug” and that city officials were not taking the accusations seriously enough.

NOW’s action comes seven months after four current and former employees of the Police Department sued the city, the department and four police supervisors, alleging sexual harassment, unwanted touching and retaliation following complaints.


City Council members did not respond to the NOW speakers, who made their comments during a portion of the meeting when the public can express views on any topic.

In an interview before the meeting, City Manager Paul O. Brady, Jr. said a city investigation found no basis for the sexual harassment charges.

Long before the complaints were made, he said, the city held sexual and workplace harassment training.


Brady also said that the lawsuit is now in the discovery process and that he plans to update council members on the case during Tuesday’s closed session meeting.
