
Movie Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (National ranking) (Studio)...

Movie Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (National ranking) (Studio) (National) (National) 1. Dave (1) $226,659 18 / $12,592 (Warner Brothers) ($8.5 million) (1,566 / $5,432) 2. Dragon: The (2) $114,880 20 / $5,744 Bruce Lee Story (Universal) ($6.2 million) (1,938 / $3,235) 3. Lost in Yonkers (5) $70,855 15 / $4,723 (Columbia) ($3 million) 4. Posse (3) $68,138 14 / $4,867 (Gramercy) ($5.3 million) (949 / $5,597) 5. Indecent Proposal (4) $53,386 18 / $2,965 (Paramount) ($4 million)

Weeks Released 1. 2 2. 2 3. 1 (1,190 / $2,523) 4. 1 5. 6 (1,922 / $2,112)

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exhibitor Relations Co.
