
PORT HUENEME : City Council Member Recovering From Fall

Port Hueneme Councilman Dorill B. Wright was recuperating at an Oxnard hospital Wednesday after falling from the stage of the city’s cultural center.

Wright, 71, suffered bruises and muscle spasms after falling Friday at the Dorill B. Wright Cultural Center. He had stopped by the center to talk with its director.

From his room at St. John’s Regional Medical Center, Wright said he will not be returning to his council duties until next month.


“I’m not doing a jig or waltzing around the floor,” said Wright, who is due to be released this weekend. “It’s painful just to get up and walk. I’ve had some major things happen to me, but I’ve gotten over them. It’s a little harder as you get older, but I don’t think this will keep me down.”

His wife, Jacqueline, said Wright was tired Friday after attending four days of California Coastal Commission meetings in Los Angeles. “When he fell, he hit on his right (hip) then on his back,” she said. “Apparently he missed the step and tried to catch himself.”

Wright has served on the council since 1970. He has been a member of the Coastal Commission for 14 years.


An initial X-ray examination showed Wright suffered no broken bones.

“We consider it very lucky that he didn’t break everything,” Jacqueline Wright said.
