
Kevin Dukesherer of San Pedro has been...

Kevin Dukesherer of San Pedro has been reelected president of the Conches Club, a support group of San Pedro Peninsula Hospital Foundation. Others serving with Dukesherer are Lance Oak, Mario Meyers, Dennis Moore, Mike Trapani and Dennis Benko.


Jacki Bacharach has been named Woman of the Year by the Los Angeles chapter of Women’s Transportation Seminar, a professional association. Bacharach, a Rancho Palos Verdes councilwoman, was honored for her outstanding contribution toward shaping and influencing transportation policy in Southern California.


Rolling Hills resident Phyllis Trujillo has been reelected president of the San Pedro Harbor Guild of the American Cancer Society. Other elected officers are Barbara McDaniel, Lorriane McWhinnie, Norma Marich, Donna Moller, Yvonne Bogdanovich, Tillie Misetich and Josephine Nizetich. In the guild’s eight years, it has raised more than $675,000 for the American Cancer Society.
