
Child Day Camps Run Gamut From Art to Science to Sports


It’s coming.

Area youngsters not on a year-round school schedule are eagerly awaiting it.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. May 27, 1993 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday May 27, 1993 Home Edition Glendale Part J Page 4 Column 1 Zones Desk 1 inches; 28 words Type of Material: Correction
Tom Sawyer Camps, based in Altadena, is an independent summer camp. A story in the May 20 Glendale edition of The Times incorrectly said that the camp had a contract with the city of La Canada Flintridge.

Their parents, on the other hand, may or may not be greeting it with the same enthusiasm.

For some parents the start of summer vacation means a new opportunity to spend time with their little darlings. For others, especially those who have jobs outside the home, it means a headache: where to put their youngsters when after school care is no longer available.

If hanging around at home is either too boring or not possible, local day camps offer a number of options for school-age children.

Some focus on specific activities such as science, arts or sports; others are more generalized, with field trips and other fun things to do.


Picking the right camp can be a little tricky.

Glendale Community College lead instructor of child development Melita Baumann said there are a number of things to look for.

“Where the site is, how long have they had this program, what do (the kids) do during the day,” she said. “I would definitely look at the young people who work with the children. They need some background that enables them to feel confident when they work with the kids.”

She suggests that parents also consider how the children are signed-in and out, the ratio of leaders to kids, and, if field trips are offered, what sort are they and are the children transported in vans with safety belts.


What kind of activities the camp offers is also important, and camps catering to specific interests are particularly good.

“It’s not just babysitting. There’s a rationale for what they’re doing with these young people,” Baumann said.

What follows is a brief survey of what’s out there. Parents should not hesitate to get more details on those camps that pique their interest. Note: all camps run Monday through Friday, and while several provide snacks, none provide lunch.


City of Glendale

Teen Camp (ages 12 and 13) at Verdugo Park, 1621 Canada Blvd.; Children’s Day Camps (ages 6 to 11) at Brand Park, 1601 W. Mountain St., Crescenta Valley Park, 3901 Dunsmore Ave., and Verdugo Park.

Activities: Games, crafts, hikes, swimming and field trips to amusement parks.

Dates: June 21 to Aug. 20 (Verdugo Park day camp runs through September 3).

Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., with scheduled activities 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Cost: Glendale residents $65, non-residents $70 per camper per week, includes supervision, materials, field trip transportation and admissions, and refreshments.

Registration: Pre-registration June 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10 at the Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Rd., from 4 to 8 p.m.

Contact: John McGrory, (818) 548-3783 with questions.

Youth Tennis Camp at Fremont Park Tennis Courts, Patterson and Kennilworth Aves.

Activities: Instruction, drills, conditioning, demonstrations and video taping for children ages 7 to 17.

Dates: Aug. 23-27.

Cost: $95 per student (limited to 32).

Registration: City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Division, City Hall, 613 E. Broadway, Rm. 120, Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Contact: (818) 548-3796.

Youth Baseball and Soccer Camps at Clark Community Center, 4747 New York Ave., La Crescenta.


Activities: Sports fundamentals in baseball and/or soccer for children ages 5 to 8.

Dates: Baseball, Aug. 2-6; Soccer, Aug. 9-13.

Hours: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Cost: $30 per week, or $50 for two weeks

Contact: Clark Community Center, (818) 548-4068.

Arts Camp at Brand Park Studios.

Activities: Performing Arts features acting, dance and music to produce a mini-musical; Fine Arts studies color, line, shapes and texture in a variety of multi-media projects.

Dates: Session I, July 19-30; Session II, August 16-27.

Hours: Performing Arts, 8 a.m. to noon; Fine Arts, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Cost: $130 per session for each camp.

Contact: Pam Cook, (818) 548-2000.

Glendale Family YMCA Day Camp at Fremont Park.

Activities: Sports, crafts, and field trips to the beach, amusement parks and museums for children entering first through sixth grades.

Dates: June 21 through August 27.

Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., campers may stay until 6 p.m. for additional $10.

Cost: $95 per week, $85 for Y members.

Contact: Gloria Meredith at the Y, 140 N. Louise St., to pick up registration form, or call (818) 240-4130.

La Crescenta

Los Angeles County has contracted with Science Adventures to offer a science camp at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave.

Activities: Science programs featuring space rocketry, earth science, and animals for children entering kindergarten through sixth grades.

Dates: June 21 through July 23.

Hours: Half day, 9 a.m. to noon; full day to 3:30 p.m.

Cost: Before May 15, $85 per week half day, $130 full day; after May 15, $90 half day, $145 full day; after June 1, $95 half day, $160 full day. Discounts for additional children in the family. T-shirts, $12.


Contact: Science Adventures, (800) 472-4362.

La Canada Flintridge

All camps will be at the La Canada Youth House Community Center, 4469 Chevy Chase Dr.

Afternoon Recreation Camp.

Activities: Sports, games, dance, arts and crafts, water games, pool days, movies, theatre arts, and more for children ages 4 to 12.

Dates: Three sessions, June 28 to July 16, July 19 through Aug. 19, and Aug. 9 through Aug. 27.

Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; morning sessions are available for extra charge, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Costs: $125 for each three week afternoon session, $50 per session for mornings, both can be pro-rated by week, day or hour.

Contact: (818) 790-4353

Science Camp.

Activities: Various classes in all the different sciences offered by age groups.

Dates: Weekly sessions from June 28 through July 30.

Hours: Two morning classes between 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 10:45 to 12:15 p.m.

Costs: $45 per weekly class. Note: two classes are usually available each morning, and each is separately priced.

Theatre and Fine Arts Camp.

Activities: Various classes covering art skills and theatrical techniques.

Dates: Four one week camps beginning Aug. 2.

Hours: Same as Science Camp.

Costs: Same as Science Camp.

Sports Camp.

Activities: Sports training for children ages 10 to 15

Dates: Aug. 2-6, baseball; Aug. 9-13, hockey; Aug. 16-20, soccer; and Aug. 23-27, volleyball/basketball.

Hours: 8 a.m. to noon.

Costs: $75 per week.

Notes: Science, art and sports camps are also offered in the mornings, and parents who cannot pick youngsters up in the middle of the day can arrange to have them shuffled among the different camps at the community center.


The city of La Canada Flintridge gas also contracted with Tom Sawyer Camps of Altadena for a day camp. However, according to a Tom Sawyer spokesman, almost all of the slots have already been filled. For further information: (818) 794-1156.

Beach trips.

For teen-agers, there will be summer bus service to Santa Monica Beach from La Crescenta and La Canada Flintridge starting June 24. Call (818) 458-3961 weekdays for more information.

Los Angeles Zoo

Los Angeles Summer Zoo Camp at the zoo in Griffith Park.

Activities: Animal tours, keeper talks, environmental games and nature crafts in either Reptiles or Rainforest themed programs for children entering grades 1 through 6.

Dates: One-week sessions from July 12 through Aug. 13.

Hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; week of July 19, extended hours to 5:30 p.m. will be available for additional $30.

Costs: $145 per week, $190 for non-Zoo members which includes family membership.

Contact: For registration form send self-addressed envelope to Summer Zoo Camp, 5333 Zoo Dr., Los Angeles, 90027. For more information, call (213) 666-4650, Ext. 5.

Northeast Los Angeles

For those interested in day camps in the Northeast Los Angeles area, the city Department of Recreation and Parks recommends that the nearest park recreation center be contacted for information.
