
PLATFORM : Police Hands Tied


I believe that the Rodney King beating was a direct result of the training received by the officers involved. The police chief, the mayor and the police commission should have taken responsibility for taking away the bar-arm control (chokehold) and not giving police officers adequate methods for dealing with violent subjects.

About 10 years ago, the chokehold procedure was attributed to several deaths and was restricted from use. At this time, officers were instructed to “beat or kick suspects into submission.” Officers were told to not “tie up” (grab or try to physically hold) violent suspects because the officer would be more susceptible to injury.

I do not like the way Rodney King was beaten. I do not think that is how I or other people want the police to deal with suspects as violent as Rodney King was. I do believe what was done to King was taught by the Police Department. In using those methods, the officers were carrying out their training.
