
Top Air Pollution Penalties

The South Coast Air Quality Management District has responsibility to control air pollution. It can seek court-imposed fines against polluters of $25 to $25,000 a day based on such factors as the extent that emissions exceed legal limits, potential danger to the public, whether the violation was intentional, accidental or caused by negligence and the company’s history of violations. These are the 10 top penalties in October: COMPANY: Fansteel Corp., Los Angeles TYPE OF BUSINESS: Aerospace component maker PENALTY: $40,000 VIOLATION: Excessive hydrocarbons from solvent usage, contrary to permit conditions. *COMPANY: American Fuji Seal Inc., Anaheim TYPE OF BUSINESS: Food label printer PENALTY: $12,500 VIOLATION: Excessive hydrocarbons from coating and solvent usage. The firm has agreed to spend an additional $12,500 to reduce emissions from its processes beyond requirements. *COMPANY: Crane Co., Burbank TYPE OF BUSINESS: Aerospace component maker PENALTY: $5,375 VIOLATION: Excessive hydrocarbons from solvent usage, contrary to permit conditions. *COMPANY: Stevens Metal Finishing, Orange TYPE OF BUSINESS: Metal plating facility PENALTY: $4,000 VIOLATION: Operating a chrome plating tank without emission controls, failure to maintain records. *COMPANY: Pete’s Tank Removal, Orange TYPE OF BUSINESS: Underground tank removal contractor PENALTY: $2,500 VIOLATION: Failure to cover contaminated soil during excavation of an underground storage tank in Santa Ana, failure to adequately monitor soil. *COMPANY: Arco Western Pipeline Co., Long Beach TYPE OF BUSINESS: Oil storage and transfer firm PENALTY: $2,125 VIOLATION: Failure to repair a gap in the seal of a crude oil tank. *COMPANY: M.A. Properties Management Co., Whittier TYPE OF BUSINESS: Demolition contractor PENALTY: $1,000 VIOLATION: Failure to conduct asbestos sampling at a Whittier site, failure to notify the AQMD before demolition and renovation work. *COMPANY: Nieto & Sons Inc., Brea TYPE OF BUSINESS: Trucking firm PENALTY: $995 VIOLATION: Removing organic gases from a 10,000-gallon storage tank without emission control equipment at an Ontario site. *COMPANY: Paul’s Service Station, West Covina TYPE OF BUSINESS: Service station PENALTY: $750 VIOLATION: Failure to monitor for volatile organic compound contamination before excavation, failure to notify the AQMD at least 24 hours before excavation, failure to get AQMD approval for its mitigation plan. *COMPANY: Shell Oil Co., Culver City TYPE OF BUSINESS: Oil refinery PENALTY: $500 VIOLATION: Failure to notify the AQMD within 24 hours of detecting contaminated soil, related violations of its mitigation plan. *COMPANY: Western Environmental Engineers Co., Santa Ana TYPE OF BUSINESS: De-gassing operation PENALTY: $500 VIOLATION: Operating underground degassing equipment in Monterey Park without giving the AQMD five days’ notice.
