
Spelling Not Natural Process

TRANSLATION: It has come to my attention that LAUSD elementary schoolchildren are being taught “inventive spelling.” The “theory” behind this is not to damage the creative process in children.

As a physician and parent, I find this to be the most inane and totally outrageous concept I have encountered in the last 25 years with regard to preparing children for what they will encounter in junior high school and high school, not to mention in life itself.

The theorists have explained to the teachers it is a “natural process” that after a certain amount of time the children will see the errors themselves and will correct them. Natural processes include defecation, micturation and mastication, not inventive spelling!


Perhaps the creator of this theory was the inventor of Spell-Check (in word processing) and is insuring his/her retirement as when these children become adults they will require Spell-Check for all their writing!

Respectfully Yours,


