
VILLA PARK : Fence Builders Face City’s Legal Wrath

City officials have threatened to take legal action against seven residents who built walls or fences in their front yards--but on land that is technically owned by the city.

City officials hope that the tough stance will persuade the residents to sign encroachment agreements, which would relieve the city of any legal liability on the land.

By signing the agreements, the residents would be acknowledging that they have built on city property and agree to be liable for any accidents that occur there. The agreements also give the city the right to demolish the structures at any time.


City officials indicated that they might sue residents who don’t sign the agreements.

“You expect people to honor your property rights, and you have got to understand that the city has some property rights on our property too,” Councilman Bob Patchin said. “That property belongs to all of us.”

None of the seven residents could be reached for comment.

Council members voted this week to send letters to the seven residents warning them to sign the agreements or face legal action, which could force them to remove the fences and walls. Many of the fences and walls of concern to the city staff are made of wood, cement or bricks.

About 100 other residents who have built such walls have already signed similar agreements. The seven who have yet to sign will be charged a fee of $75.
