

Security a Key Concern: A message to landlords: Take your tenants’ complaints to heart.

Apartment dwellers, reputed to be chronic complainers about everything from clogged drains to cable TV on the fritz, have weightier issues on their minds. According to National Survey Systems, a research firm based in Irvine, residents of more than 40 apartment communities said their biggest complaint was about security. Residents mentioned the need for better lighting and gate systems as a major factor when deciding whether to renew a lease.

While 67% of the tenants were satisfied with security, that was still lower than their acceptance of monthly rents or lease payments--about 70% were satisfied with the amount they had to shell out.

The Resident Satisfaction Survey also showed that 83% of the tenants were pleased with management personnel, though some were unhappy with response times, and 90% were satisfied with maintenance services.


In addition, 96% of the tenants enjoyed their apartment locations.
