
Bullocks Wilshire

In response to “Closures by Macy Include Former Bullocks Wilshire,” March 2:

The severely disabled patient called the city of Los Angeles suffered another stroke with the announced closure of its landmark store, Bullocks Wilshire/I. Magnin. With this move, Macy’s has dealt a severe blow to not only a historic institution but one that brought citizens together in a beautiful setting. Bullocks Wilshire brought sequestered suburbanites in from sterile malls and provided an important anchor for this community.

The signs of its demise, however, were obvious. The city sat back and watched the closure of the Ambassador Hotel, the closure of the Sheraton Townhouse Hotel and loss of industry; there seemed to be nothing done to save the important Wilshire Boulevard backbone of the city. It is intolerable that the city should sit back now. Where is the City Council and the Rebuild LA coalition that are supposed to protect our institutions? Will they come forward now with a plan that might induce the department store to stay?


Los Angeles
