
Cleaning Up L.A. Is the Best Ad of All

Bruce Horovitz’s column, “Ads Aim at Making Some Social Change” (Jan. 26), got me to thinking that the Rebuild L.A. campaign signs should be taken one step further.

To make Los Angeles’ appearance count, advertise for all to see: “Clean Up Your Neighborhood,” “Polish Your Town,” “Paint the Ugliness.” Whatever it takes to inspire the vandals to stop leaving their mark.

If the surroundings were picked up and pride of ownership stood out, perhaps the morals would take a turn for the better also.


You can’t hold Los Angeles, the city, responsible for its decline. It’s the people (who are) at fault.

Let’s inspire them to care. Perhaps some rewards to each section of the city showing the most turnaround and cleanup would do the trick.

Am I dreaming?


Canoga Park
