
WEST ADAMS : Neighbors Group Receives Sears Grant

The Adams-Normandie Neighborhood Assn. has received $10,000 in grants from Sears Savings Bank for neighborhood beautification and security projects.

“Sears has cut through all the red tape by reaching people in our neighborhood with its investments,” said Marianne Muellerleile, president of the association of about 50 homeowners, tenants and block club leaders. “It’s a clear message that they want to help us make our neighborhood a safer and more enjoyable place to live.”

The money will be used to buy high-power sodium street lights, paint addresses on 16 rooftops, purchase an air compressor and spray-paint gun to combat graffiti, plant flowers throughout the area and paint as many as five murals, Muellerleile said.


The Glendale-based bank, a subsidiary of Sears, Roebuck & Co., issued the grants through its Community Reinvestment Grant Fund, said John N. Hampton, senior vice president for community relations.

The bank distributes about 11 community-improvement grants a year throughout Los Angeles, ranging from $100 to $5,000, Hampton said. The Adams-Normandie group received three grants for its related projects.
