
Convicted Spy Jonathan Pollard

Weiss seems to gloss over several points on his dubious road to imagined anti-Semitism. First, Weiss’ distorted view of reality appears to ignore that money, not concern for Israel, was Pollard’s motivation. Second, that no one questions that Pollard got a fair trial. Third, Weiss makes no factual case that Pollard’s “extreme” punishment is because he is Jewish. Pollard was given a light sentence--spies are usually executed.

I wonder that some of my fellow Jews can have such a fine-tuned sense of right and wrong as to be able to discern an injustice that is so thin they can’t even give it adequate explanation when they are blind to the freezing injustice of 400 Palestinians deported without benefit of a hint of due process. Considering Pollard has clean water, a warm bed, medical care and family visitation, maybe Rabbi Weiss is working on the wrong case.


San Diego
