
Bosnians Reject Report on Assassination

Associated Press

Bosnian officials Thursday rejected the U.N. chief’s conclusion that a Serbian soldier acted alone two weeks ago in killing Bosnia’s deputy prime minister.

Bosnia’s U.N. ambassador accused Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali of trying to evade responsibility for the assassination of Hakija Turajlic while he was under U.N. escort.

Boutros-Ghali, in a letter sent to the Security Council on Tuesday, said an independent inquiry “concluded that the assassination was the work of a single assailant acting unilaterally.”


But in his letter to Boutros-Ghali, Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey said: “It strains credibility to accept that this entire sequence of events, involving several levels of Serbian leadership, was the act of one soldier acting alone. At the very least, the Serbian leadership is guilty of criminal complicity in the killing.”
