
Readers Prepared to Speak on Issue of Boy Scout ‘Posse’

The Boy Scouts (“Be Prepared: Posse Out to ‘Save’ Scouts,” Nov. 24, Dianne Klein column) being a Christian-based organization must rely on the guidance of God. God’s word is the Bible. In the Bible, God states that homosexuality is a sin, just as adultery is. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to shun the sinner. All of God’s children must be treated with love and respect but that does not mean that you have to condone their conduct. Because condoning what you believe to be wrong is acceptance.

I have been a Girl Scout leader for many years. I loved all the girls in my care. Many times the girls would come to me with moral questions. As a parent, I would not want someone with a bias (homosexual or adulterous) to be discussing those kind of questions with my children.

Today, we are being programmed to not rock the boat, but unless we let others (Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) know how we feel, they will just assume we agree with their policies. As a Christian and an American citizen I am accountable for what I do with my life. I have a right and an obligation to let my feelings be known.


I realize this is not a perfect world but that does not mean I have to give up and accept what I believe to be wrong. Isn’t that what America is all about?

Susan Montgomery

Yorba Linda
