
Portable Toilets on Skid Row

The Times has supported a failed, irresponsible solution to the serious sanitary problems on Skid Row (editorial, Nov. 25).

The Times wants to scatter unsecured, temporary portable toilets throughout the area. Los Angeles has tried this idea before, and it was a total disaster. In the few days it took vandals to destroy the portable facilities, the unsafe toilets were home to serious assaults, drug deals and health problems. Other cities have tried temporary, unsecured facilities for the homeless--and each one of them has met absolute failure.

Mayor Tom Bradley is seeking real and permanent solutions to the problems of homelessness.

* The mayor has already persuaded several homeless providers to keep their permanent, safe bathroom facilities open longer hours. And the mayor is directing city resources to these homeless providers instead of wasting scarce taxpayer dollars on The Times’ doomed Band-Aid approach.


* The mayor has convened city departments to develop permanent solutions--including the use of new European technology to establish secure, clean facilities.

MARK D. FABIANI, Deputy Mayor and Chief of Staff, Los Angeles
