
Death of an Edition

This is to let you know how upset I am that The Los Angeles Times is no longer going to have a San Diego edition.

Before you write and tell me that The Times is still going to be available in San Diego, you should know that I know this and will stop buying it.

I am one who seriously appreciates (and needs) good journalism. The Times has been one of my main sources of news in the region ever since I moved here from Chicago almost six years ago. Now I will have to resort to the Union-Tribune, which is one of the least-objective papers in the country. One of the things San Diego most needs is objective and intelligent reporting on San Diego issues. This will no longer exist.


I am most upset because this is a betrayal. Now that the San Diego edition is not as profitable, sure, all you have to do is pull out. This is a typical example of an irresponsible corporation; one of the growing problems in our world today. If corporations are to be as important in our society as they are becoming, then they must be held accountable.


San Diego
