
Maintenance Funds OKd

The City Council has approved a resolution providing for ongoing funding of more than $1 million a year for maintenance of sidewalks, overhead street lamps, sewers, roads and equipment and the replacement of firetrucks and ambulances over the next five years.

The Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, passed unanimously Wednesday, will utilize $340,000 in monies set aside from the city’s annual gasoline tax as well as $416,000 from the general fund to keep the streets and walkways in good repair before they need to be replaced. Also, $400,000 from the utilities tax, passed at the council’s Nov. 23 meeting, will be added to the program.

The city hopes it will be able to contribute a similar amount for the program annually, City Manager Keith Till said.


“We can now identify a maintenance schedule, extend the life of the streets, reduce long-term maintenance costs and save the city money,” he said.
