
A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting Central Los Angeles in the last week.

CITY COUNCIL PROJECT CONSULTANT: Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas requested that consultant Jaye A. Young be hired to provide consulting services on proposed commercial projects within Thomas’ 8th Council District. If approved, Young will be hired for about three months and will be paid $44 per hour, with the total not to exceed $10,560. NEIGHBORHOOD POSADAS: Approved temporary street closures within Boyle Heights for eight neighborhood posadas . The processions are scheduled for each evening from Wednesday through Dec. 23, 7:30 to 10 p.m., in the surrounding neighborhoods. OFFICE SPACE: Approved a $1-per-year lease for office space at 1049 N. Richmond St. in Boyle Heights for the Los Angeles Police Department’s burglary-auto theft division. The building is owned by Southern Pacific Transportation Co. WATTS HOUSING: Approved a proposal to seek a community-based, nonprofit organization that will start a marketing program for a residential housing rehabilitation program. The contract would be for two years and will not exceed $150,000 per year. HOW THEY VOTED How South-Central and Eastside representatives voted on selected issues. DISNEY CONCERT HALL: Approved including a community outreach program as part of the proposed $200-million Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles, which is in Rita Walters’ 9th Council District. The program will provide job opportunities for women and minority firms and local residents. The 2,380-seat concert hall will be at 1st Street and Grand Avenue. Passed: 11-0. Voting yes: Joan Milke Flores, Mike Hernandez, Ridley-Thomas and Walters. Richard Alatorre was absent. HOUSING LOANS: Approved $3.7 million in loans to the Pico-Union Housing Corp. to develop affordable rental housing at 727 S. Carondelet St. and 722 S. Coronado St. in the Westlake area. Carondelet Village will have 47 units and 64 units are planned for Coronado Village. Passed: 11-0. Voting yes: Milke Flores, Hernandez, Ridley-Thomas and Walters. Alatorre was absent. GRAND CENTRAL PROJECT: Approved $1.1 million in loans to developers of the Grand Central Square project at 3rd Street and Broadway, within the 14th Council District. City officials were also asked to determine the economic feasibility of the project, which includes the rehabilitation of Grand Central Market and the Million Dollar Theater, and converting office space into rental housing. Passed: 12-1. Voting yes: Alatorre, Flores, Hernandez and Ridley-Thomas. Walters voted no.
