
Tall in the Saddle

Your profile of Boetticher was a superb job on one of our premier Western directors, with one glaring exception: the reference to Charles Marquis Warren as the “creator” of “Gunsmoke,” a too-oft-repeated error.

Norman MacDonnell deserves that distinguished credit. Although Warren produced the first TV shows, “Gunsmoke” was a highly successful mid-’50s CBS radio program, and Norman was its producer, director and creator, the latter credit shared with John Weston.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 20, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday December 20, 1992 Home Edition Calendar Page 91 Calendar Desk 1 inches; 20 words Type of Material: Correction
Because of a typographical error, the name of John Meston, a co-creator of the radio series “Gunsmoke,” was misspelled in a letter last Sunday.

When “Gunsmoke” was the top-rated radio program, I was a struggling actor. Through great good fortune, I was introduced to Norman MacDonnell, and an audition earned me some “off-mike-ad-lib-head nod” jobs on the radio program. And more to the point, it led to a long-lasting friendship with Norman.


Later, on the television show, Norman gave me a script-writing assignment; this led to eight more and, when he was replaced by the powers that be at CBS, to the position of executive story consultant for three years.


La Quinta
