
Post-Riot Series: ‘Separate Lives’

Part I of your post-riot series, “Separate Lives” (Nov. 16), was a comprehensive report of people tearing our cities and nation apart. Rodney G. King’s question, “Can we all get along?” while commendable and positive, will not continue to inspire present and new Americans.

We need dynamite words that will unite all individuals living in our God-blessed country. I offer the words of Patrick Henry presented in a speech, Sept. 5, 1774--”I am not a Virginian, but an American.” The words “I am an American” should be encouraged by the local and national media, churches, schools and organizations to erase epithets we let creep into our language that cause racial tensions and division of people who expect unity in the United States. We need to generate this positive common identification, applicable to all people of the U.S.


Blue Jay
