
Irredentism in the Balkans

Your editorial wrongly lumped Croatia with Serbia in its aggression over the past two years. You seem to have fallen victim to Serbian propaganda regarding an alleged plot between Croatia and Serbia to carve up Bosnia.

You wrote no such editorial last year when the rogue regime of the Belgrade Butcher, Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, abetted the Chetnik takeover of more than a third of Croatia with the rallying cry of “wherever there is a Serb is Serbia.” Moreover, the great bulk of Croatian territory grabbed in the attempt for a Greater Serbia is not contiguous with Serbia, with Bosnia-Herzegovina intervening.

The presidents of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia have repeatedly reaffirmed their alliance in fighting Serbia. Herzegovina province, which flanks the Dalmatian coastal region of Croatia that Serbia covets, surely would be in Serb hands by now had Croatian forces not joined Bosnia-Herzegovina in its defense.



Los Angeles
