
CLINTON’S COATTAILS: San Francisco-based “anti-folk” singer Lach...

CLINTON’S COATTAILS: San Francisco-based “anti-folk” singer Lach is waiting for an invitation to play at Bill Clinton’s inauguration. After all, he wrote and sang a tribute to the future First Lady, “The Hillary Clinton Song,” that’s been a favorite on college and alternative radio stations--at least one in the Clintons’ home town of Little Rock, Ark.

Sample lines: “She’s blond, and a lawyer too / Just think of all the laws that she’ll push through.”

Crystal Egg Records, the small San Francisco label that released the song before the election (so far only to radio stations and the press) has gotten a few calls from record companies interested in the singer. Lach has been working in construction since Gold Castle, the label that released his 1989 debut, “Contenders,” went out of business.


So far, though, nothing from the Clinton camp. “She never calls, she never writes,” says Lach.

Maybe one line in the song has put them off: “He’s an adulterer, it’s true / But he hasn’t done anything Bush hasn’t done to you.”
