
Affordable Housing in South Pasadena

No way, no how did I directly state or indirectly infer (San Gabriel Section, Nov. 5) that the City of South Pasadena will ignore the affordable housing laws. I did state that the city is currently preparing a Housing Element as required by the law. We are having difficulty in understanding conflicting mandates from state agencies. The State Housing and Community Development Agency says to build housing, while Caltrans says to tear it down.

It is true that Caltrans is not providing a housing replacement program for any of the four communities impacted by the extension of the Long Beach Freeway. At least the state provided 3,000 replacement units for the Century Freeway project. Why should our communities lose 1,426 irreplaceable housing units from a state project? The bigger question remains the lack of coordination of policies and laws of the various state agencies. How can any city move forward when there is no coordination of laws at the state level? Instead of ignoring state laws, we say we are confused by state laws.


City Manager

South Pasadena
