
Campaign Reforms

Does my vote count? Let us look at the presidential race. The polls had not closed in California but I was told by the media that Bill Clinton had won the presidential election. My vote had not been counted.

I viewed on television the media’s exit polls and predictions on state and local races before the polls closed. I heard that Bruce Herschensohn had the advantage over Barbara Boxer after some votes had been tallied. I was excited. My hopes were dashed, however, when the media discounted this fact and stated that according to exit polls Boxer was the clear winner. Whatever happened to waiting in anticipation until all votes are counted for the real winners to be announced and their rightful victory claimed? Is it not over until it is over in this country? The media are doing the American citizens a great disservice by presenting exit polls and predictions as fact. Exit polling should be eliminated entirely and facts should be reported after the votes are counted.

In answer to my question: Does my vote count? Yes and it counts to millions of American citizens. The real question is does my vote count to the media? No. The media have shown in this election that the only thing that counts are ratings.



Chino Hills
