
PLATFORM : An Abuse of Power


I see an increase in the number of complaints. I do not believe this reflects more people being sexually harassed. I believe it reflects more people standing up for the rights they have under the law.

I’m an older woman, and I know that a lot of things younger women are complaining about now , my generation accepted as part of the cost of going to work. It was considered a luxury to be able to get out of the house and earn your own living. But now it’s an absolute necessity. The kind of behavior that I would have been embarrassed to complain about, I’m pleased that younger women--and men--are standing up and saying, “You can’t do this to me. You cannot abuse your power over me this way.”

It is certainly in (employers’) best interests to have a very clear policy regarding sexual harassment so that they put every one of their employees on notice that this conduct will not be tolerated.


I encourage everyone to try to mediate, to try to correct the situation, because the extreme remedy is to file a lawsuit.
