
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


REBUILD LA: Council President John Ferraro has introduced proposals aimed at expediting federal, state and local government efforts to rebuild Los Angeles after the spring riots. Ferraro asked that all agencies take a more unified approach in the rebuilding efforts.

ANNEXATION: Approved annexation of a small portion of city parkland in the Westwood area surrounded by the County of Los Angeles to the City of Los Angeles. The annexation will allow city emergency services to respond more quickly to emergencies there.


THANKSGIVING: Approved the temporary closure of 4th Street between Slauson Avenue and 57th Street in the Crenshaw area from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thanksgiving Day so Helpers for the Homeless can serve hot home-cooked meals to the needy there.

SENIOR HOUSING: Approved spending $95,000 for a contract with Retirement Housing Foundation to provide consulting services to the city in the development of a senior citizens housing complex at Hollywood Boulevard and Western Avenue.

BULKHEAD REPAIR: Approved spending $26,000 for emergency repairs to the bulkhead supporting the roadway at 17909 Porto Marina Way in the Palisades area. ENVIRONMENTAL GRANT: Ferraro has requested that application be made to the state for a grant to install a greenbelt along a section of the bicycle path next to Griffith Park.



How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.

SETTLEMENT: Approved spending $45,000 to settle a lawsuit by Gloria Halet, 56, who was injured when she fell on a sidewalk near Sunset Boulevard and Gower Street in 1988. Passed: 12-0.

VOTING YES: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Nate Holden, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky. Mark Ridley-Thomas was absent.

SOBRIETY CHECKPOINT: Approved accepting a $13,000 state grant to fund the Roadside Sobriety Checkpoint Trailer Program. Passed: 10-0.


VOTING YES: Braude, Galanter, Holden and Woo. Ferraro, Ridley-Thomas and Yaroslavsky were absent.
