
REDONDO BEACH : Sewage Spill Forces Beach’s Closure Near Pier

Los Angeles County health officials closed a quarter-mile stretch of beach near the Redondo Beach Pier on Monday morning after a blocked sewage pipe caused up to 400 gallons of sewage to flow into the ocean.

The sewage pipe serves several restaurants and fast-food outlets on the pier. Health officials, who described the spill as relatively small, said they expect to reopen the beach between the pier and Ruby Street today as long as water samples show that bacteria counts are within acceptable levels.

“That small amount dissipates so fast, it’s not a problem,” said Richard Kebabjian, director of the Health Department’s recreational health program.


Kebabjian said the spill was reported by a health inspector who was taking routine water samples under the pier when workers repairing a clogged sewer line told him about the leak. Sewage spills on or near the pier have closed that section of the beach four times since June, Los Angeles County Lifeguard Capt. Robert Buchanan said.
