
In Defense of Police Efforts

The Oct. 5 letter to the editor called “Oxnard Police Behave Badly” is a good example of an attitude that will keep the police and our communities from winning the war against gangs. The writer’s observations and resulting opinions are outrageous to an extreme.

Police are armed because they get shot at, resulting in injuries or death. Police search houses to secure evidence and capture people wanted for criminal acts. Police investigate and search with warrants or probable cause in criminal investigations because it’s their job.

As for “suspected” gang members, referring to them as suspects only means they aren’t convicted yet, not as a label of innocence. “Suspected” gang members kill hundreds of innocent people, most of the victims young children and babies, every year in Southern California.


Only one statement made sense, “They’re our brave local cops protecting and serving.” That they are.


Simi Valley
