
Clean Beach a Life Saver

I am concerned about the trash on the beach and in the water. If bottles and cans have any toxic waste or chemicals, the animals might swallow them and die. Also, the water will be polluted and the animals can get sick. The six-pack rings especially are killing our dolphins, birds and other animals by choking them.

What can we do about it? Well, we can have a beach cleanup more often. Also, there should be more patrols on the beach to watch for the people who are polluting and give them a fine and tell them not to do it again.



Editor’s note: These Letters to the Editor come from E.L.M. Street School in Oxnard. E.L.M.--Educational Learning Magnet Intersession--is a new school in the Oxnard School District that offers 10-day sessions for students who are between terms in the all-year school system. Renee Nourai, learning director, said one of the themes for this year is “The Oceans.” Here’s what’s on the students’ minds:
