
Watch, Don’t Kill Whales

I don’t think that people should be going to the ocean and slaughtering the whales. If people go and kill whales and everybody thinks it’s cool, then we will end up with a million dead whales.

How would you like it if whales used your fat for lipstick or bubble gum? So, don’t go hunting, go watching.


Port Hueneme

Editor’s note: These Letters to the Editor come from E.L.M. Street School in Oxnard. E.L.M.--Educational Learning Magnet Intersession--is a new school in the Oxnard School District that offers 10-day sessions for students who are between terms in the all-year school system. Renee Nourai, learning director, said one of the themes for this year is “The Oceans.” Here’s what’s on the students’ minds:
