
Toxic Discharges

Under the state Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, Ventura County must report each week the toxic and potentially toxic materials discharged. The discharges are investigated by the county Environmental Health Division. DATE: Oct. 20 LOCATION: Arroyo Simi, Simi Valley MATERIAL: 10 gallons of motor oil DATE: Oct. 20 LOCATION: 1709 Cochran St., Simi Valley MATERIAL: Unknown amount of propane DATE: Oct. 20 LOCATION: Lloyd Lease Well No. 42, Ventura MATERIAL: 1.5 barrels of crude oil DATE: Oct. 21 LOCATION: Datum and Channel Islands boulevards, Oxnard MATERIAL: 15 gallons of sewage DATE: Oct. 22 LOCATION: Taylor Lease, Ventura Avenue Field, Ventura MATERIAL: 10 barrels of oil DATE: Oct. 24 LOCATION: Cypress Road, Oxnard MATERIAL: 1,000 gallons of raw sewage
