
Selling F-15s to Saudi Arabia

I found it absolutely galling to be lectured by Berman on the need to push the local defense industry toward peacetime conversion.

In November, 1986, activists working for Jobs With Peace tried to do just that: Their initiative, which appeared on the Los Angeles city ballot, advocated investment of pension fund capital in local civilian industry in order to diversify the Southern California economy. The effort won wide-ranging support.

But the Democratic machine, which is both the foundation of Rep. Berman’s own political power and run by his brother, first accepted a sizable donation from a defense industry-controlled campaign against the initiative, then recommended voting against the measure in its influential voter guideline. Rep. Berman was asked to intercede and refused. The initiative was defeated.


It’s nice to know that the loss of several hundred thousand jobs and a devastating recession have taught Berman something. When it comes to conversion, however, he is hardly the man to guide us. Had he behaved differently in 1986, Los Angeles might not be in the mess it is today.


Los Angeles
