
TELEVISION - Nov. 3, 1992

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

What They’re Saying: Helen Gorman Kushnick, Jay Leno’s longtime manager who was fired as producer of “The Tonight Show” over her hardball tactics in booking guests, is quoted in the Nov. 9 issue of the New Yorker as once telling Leno: “I’ve been serving you steak dinners for the last 18 years. I just haven’t bothered showing you how I slaughtered the cow.” The turmoil surrounding Kushnick’s firing is detailed in the lengthy article. . . . Boxer Evander Holyfield, who faces violence every time he steps in the ring, tells TV Guide he doesn’t want his children seeing it on TV. “My kids are 2, 4, 6 and 8, so I usually rent videos for them because so many things on regular TV are too violent.” Their favorite: “Song of the South.”
