
It’s Time for Multi-Track

We, the teachers at Valencia Valley School, are extremely concerned about the movement to block multi-track, year-round schooling in the Newhall School District.

Many parents may understandably view this as a disturbance to their family schedules and habits. But in light of the overwhelming overcrowding we now face, we teachers feel it imperative to encourage parents to embrace the multi-track system.

We urge parents and all community members who might oppose multi-track to rethink their position.


These are the facts:

* There are currently more than 1,100 students in 52 so-called “portable” classrooms in this district, a reflection of the district’s severe overcrowding problem. This huge number of “portables” (which have an unpleasant way of becoming permanent ) have burdened the schools’ playgrounds, walks, and common areas to the limit.

* Opponents of multi-track suggest we simply add more portable classrooms. But any visitor to Valencia Valley School, for example, would be hard-pressed to find an acceptable location for any more.

* Valencia Valley School’s cafeteria was designed to accommodate 750 students, yet the school currently has an enrollment of approximately 960. The situation is similar at other district schools.

* Every day there are students who must stand in the cafeteria holding full lunch trays, waiting for seats. These students are faced with the unenviable choice of either waiting to eat or simply not eating in order to enjoy playground time.


* The State of California sets limits on pupil-to-teacher ratios, and if an elementary school exceeds that ratio, it must pay fines to the state. At Valencia Valley School, we have exceeded that ratio, and in order to avoid paying fines we have implemented a “quick fix” of so-called roving teachers, yet class sizes in some cases remain an unwieldy 34 to 35 students.

We know multi-track, year-round education is a break from tradition, and change can cause anxiety. But we hope parents understand that modifications in family schedules are necessary to ensure the quality of their children’s education.

Indeed, in other communities where it has been implemented, the multi-track system has reduced teacher burn-out, and the shorter, more frequent vacations may aid students’ learning retention and decrease burdensome review time.


We, the teachers at Valencia Valley School, entreat all concerned community members to refuse to sign any petition which opposes multi-track. Support multi-track. Its time has come.


and 28 other teachers of Valencia Valley School
