
Laguna Niguel : Developer Gives 5.6 Acres to City

In a dedication ceremony Thursday, the city was given a 5.6-acre plot of land near the intersection of La Paz and Aliso Creek roads that could one day become an athletic field or a cultural center.

Mayor Thomas W. Wilson was handed the deed to the land, next to Niguel Regional Park, by Alan Cummins of Shapell Industries.

The land will be left vacant for a couple of years, until officials decide what to build on it.


“It is being considered for baseball fields or a football field or a cultural facility,” City Manager Tim Casey said.

“We want to hold it in reserve to better evaluate the longer term needs of the city.”

Shapell had originally planned to build 148 condominiums on the land, but the city has long preferred that the parcel be used for recreational purposes.

Shapell gave the land to the city to fulfill parkland requirements to build elsewhere in the city.
