
School Unification in 3 Beach Cities

Why are so many people afraid to openly speak out against Proposition V, split unification?

I became a part of the opposition a couple of years ago, when the petitions started circulating. I have two kids, now in Redondo High, and for me it wasn’t a particularly hard choice.

I have never had a problem speaking out against split unification, or anything else for that matter, and I am not surprised at the amount of support we are getting.


What does surprise me and others most, is the number of people who call or come up and say they oppose Prop. V, are voting no, and would like to help, by mailings or money and such, but who also say “please, don’t use my name”!

They are teachers and administrators from each of the school districts, political office holders, city employees, members of community organizations and just plain citizens. But, they are all afraid that if they openly oppose Prop. V and it passes there might be retaliation.

Now, this scares the hell out of me. We are in deep trouble when people are afraid to speak their mind on anything, politics or otherwise, because somebody might get back at them. We are in deep trouble when people are afraid to speak. We are in deep trouble when any group, no matter what their point of view, can intimidate and make other people afraid.


Once we defeat Prop V, maybe we better think about how we let it affect us.


Hermosa Beach
