
PRO FOOTBALL DAILY REPORT : RAIDERS : Another Close Shave for Golic?

Bob Golic can be described as a lineman for what he says as much as what he does.

He may have experienced his share of losses on the field, but he is never at a loss for words.

Before each of the Raiders’ recent victories, Golic shaved off his whiskers.

Asked if he would do so again this week, Golic replied: “Don’t put another superstition on me. I’ve got enough weird voices rolling around in my head as it is.

“And some of them, I don’t even recognize.”


Defensive back Torin Dorn, who missed last week’s game because of a turf toe, is back practicing.


Also back in uniform is defensive lineman Chester McGlockton, who sat out last week’s game against the Seattle Seahawks because of a bruised foot that has plagued him since he injured it in the Raiders’ first exhibition game.

Guard Max Montoya, who has been out for nearly six weeks because of a knee injury, won’t resume practicing until next week at the earliest.
