
City Clerk Measure on Torrance Ballot

Proposition W addresses the question of whether the Torrance city clerk should be appointed by the City Council or remain an elected position.

Recently, having received and read their sample ballots, several electors have called me regarding my position on this subject.

I believe this position should be appointed!

In the 1920s, Torrance was a small, isolated community of less than 2,000 residents. In those days, everyone knew everyone else. The residents most qualified to know the ways of government and the laws whereby local governments operate were well known to all of the electors. The insurance broker was one of these. He ran for office, and was elected in 1922. He was the elected city clerk for the next 40 years until 1962. He ran the city. His duties included those tasks now performed by the City Manager and the Finance Director, in addition to the tasks for which I am responsible.


The City Charter was adopted in 1947, revised in 1948, which created the position of city manager to direct the now more complex operations of a city of 50,000 plus. The finance director position was created in 1958 in response to the need for a more qualified person with governmental finance experience.

In both cases, the city followed Civil Service recruitment practices. Job standards and specifications were adopted. The tasks of recruiting, testing, selecting, and appointing were conducted using this time-tested process.

It works--and works well.

The city clerk duties today have become far more complex than they were even 10 years ago. The changes in election laws, and financial disclosure, in addition to the computer age for operating the office, demand that standards of education and experience be adopted in recruiting for the next city clerk.


This can only happen with a charter change.

Vote yes on Proposition W.


City clerk, Torrance

P.S. I am not and will not be a candidate for this appointment should this proposition be approved.
