
Panel to Encourage Use of Civic Center

The city Intercultural Advisory Committee will hold a workshop at 9 a.m. Saturday to publicize how community groups may use the Civic Center for their meetings and activities.

The City Council created the committee last year, in part, to find ways to increase the Civic Center’s use by local groups. The action came as a result of a disagreement over the proper use of the center. Some council members wanted to install a “holiday tree” in the Civic Center plaza last winter. The proposal brought some praise but mostly criticism from residents concerned about the religious significance of the tree.

The council abandoned the “holiday tree” idea but decided that the city should encourage diverse groups of residents to use the plaza and city meeting rooms for displays and meetings.


The committee will hold a half-day seminar in the Civic Center to let members of local groups know how they may sign up to use the city’s facilities.
