
Opponents of Proposition 167

In response to “Backers Hope to Ring Up Big Bucks With 900 Numbers” Oct. 8:

Our thanks to Times staff writers Frederick M. Muir and Paul Jacobs for their informative article revealing the “fat cat” opponents to Proposition 167 (the Economic Recovery and Tax Relief Act)--Chevron, Shell, Arco, Anheuser-Busch, and the American Council of Life Insurance.

The $3.5 million contributed by such wealthy corporations and PACs is an excellent example of why we must get special interest money out of politics if we are ever to have confidence in our government again. This money will be used to try to mislead us voters into thinking that Prop. 167 would be bad for our economy (they’re using that old ploy about jobs again), when, in fact, it is about corporate tax deductions, tax rates, sales tax, the “snack tax” and the extension of renter credits.

The undue influence that special interest big money exerts on our political process is subverting our very democracy.


We citizens must work together in a united effort to expose such deceptions and take an effective political stand to get money out of politics.


