
PLATFORM : Monitoring the Air

<i> DEBBIE OLIVER, a Fountain Valley mother of three, lives near an Orange County sanitation district treatment plant. She comments on a recent rule by the South Coast Air Quality Management District requiring companies to notify neighbors when air emissions pose a significant health risk</i>

Even if we can’t do anything about the pollution, it’s better to be informed about what you’ve been exposed to, because you just don’t know what any of this exposure could cause. It’s important to know if they’re putting something in the air that could be harmful to my kids. If there’s something we’re breathing on a consistent basis, I might consider moving or getting some kind of filter system so that at least the house would be clear.

The public has a right to know when anybody is dumping something toxic into the environment. I’d much rather know than not know. At least with knowledge you have a way of dealing with it. If you’re totally in the dark you don’t know what you’re up against.

It’s a big concern. It’s terrible enough that you have reports that our kids don’t have the lung capacity that they do elsewhere in the country because of the pollution in the air.
