
Golf Proposal Out of Bounds

The proposed golf club in Big Tujunga Wash is a matter of open space and the right for nature to exist versus short-term gain for a few people.

People have the right to make money but not at the expense of rare species and the unique environment.

My wife Alice and I wanted to get away from the over-built-up, man-made urban concrete, pollution-infested habitat. Alice and I take our two children, Amy and Becky, to the wash to walk and study nature. I like the character of our community now. My family believes in the interdependent web of all living things.


Look hard at the San Fernando Valley and the whole L.A. area. Where did the nature go? What urban problems might have been erased if 50 years ago the L.A. Planning Commission had established adequate open space, natural parks and lower-density housing? No water shortage? Less pressure on resources? Less smog? Fewer gangs?

Please help us keep out this artificial illusion of nature for the privileged few. Wildlife cannot write letters and speak up for itself. Only intelligent people can.

