
Meet the Model Who Belongs to Sexy ‘Silk Stalkings’ TV Opening

Legs and birds.

* You ask: Who owns those female legs at the beginning of “Silk Stalkings,” the slightly weird TV cop show filmed in San Diego?

It is also a question that occurred to the editors of the Hollywood Reporter, which plans a special section Oct. 30 on San Diego as a booming movie-making location. A story on the leg-owner will be part of the package.

The legs are seen in the opening credits.

The owner (whose face is not seen) slinkily puts on a pair of silk stockings (stockings/stalkings, get it?) and stuffs a small pistol therein.


Now the leg answer is at hand: Catherine Karnes, 30, of Carlsbad, the 1992 Miss Mission Beach, the reigning Miss Coors Lite and Miss National Auto Parts Club.

She was in the VIP tent for Guns N’ Roses at last week’s concert at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium. She works out daily at Gold’s Gym in Oceanside.

She does modeling. She does a lot of industrial shows: demonstrating the delights of swimwear, sportswear, indoor golf and even video games.


She hopes the Hollywood Reporter write-up will be a big break. Her friends know the truth but she hasn’t made a big deal out of the fact that those are her legs:

“I don’t like to brag,” she says. “I’m kind of subdued about it.”

* Are bird-lovers engaging in a bit of stage-managing?

Bill Cleves, a member of the citizens’ advisory board for the Mission Trails Regional Park, reports a strange find by crews beginning work on a visitors’ center at Mission Gorge Road and Father Serra Trail.

To wit: a handmade (not bird-made) bird’s nest protected by Army-issue camouflage and with a copper wire leading from the nest to the trigger on a small camera on a tripod.

So what? you say.

Lots of what if a bird, maybe a gnatcatcher, would land on the ersatz nest and trigger the camera.


A picture of a gnatcatcher nesting on the site could be the ammunition that environmentalists need to shut down the project.

“I think they are so determined to stop the project that they decided the ends justified the means,” says Councilwoman Judy McCarty, a big park booster.

Singing That Will Live in Infamy

Believe it or not.

* The KCEO Night Talk poll asked patrons at the Daley Double saloon in Encinitas about the “most offensive thing” ever done to America by the Japanese.

None said rampant real estate speculation. Six said Pearl Harbor.

And 18 said karaoke bars.

* Betty Broderick is suing the county government for releasing a videotape of her scuffling with jailers at Las Colinas.

* A San Diego bumper sticker takes dead aim at Barbara Boxer:

“Barbara Bouncer. Unfit for U.S. Senate!” With the words “Bad Checks” inside a circle with the international slash.

John Dadian says the Bruce Herschensohn campaign has nothing to do with the sticker.

He should know; he’s head of the Herschensohn push in San Diego County.

* La Jolla filmmaker Devin Dehaven, 22, is in Brooklyn to shoot a television documentary on the urban AIDS and drug problem, “Cities of Rage.” To be distributed by an ABC subsidiary.


* Yes, Libertarian candidate Pat Wright in the 76th Assembly District does show up at campaign events with his pet ferret Chester.

Ferrets are illegal as pets, which Wright says proves his Libertarian view that government has gone Big Brother wacky.

You may have seen Wright & Chester at the recent Medical Marijuana rally in Balboa Park.

If not, the candidate is promising to bring his illicit pet on a tour of shopping centers before the Nov. 3 election.

Is a Warranty Included?

News hook(er).

K-BEST’s Ken Copper figures those john arrests last week by the Police Department were probably just tourists confused by hooker-infested El Cajon Boulevard:

“They didn’t realize those signs promising ‘Service Is State of The Art’ are not for Circuit City.”
