
MID-WILSHIRE : Police to Begin New Foot Patrol

Beginning Monday, two Los Angeles Police Department officers will be assigned to a new five-day-a-week foot patrol.

The officers, one each from the Rampart and Wilshire divisions, will patrol on and around Wilshire Boulevard from Vermont to Western avenues from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, said Sgt. Ron Kubitsky of Rampart Division.

Kubitsky said similar foot patrols and a bicycle patrol operate around Alvarado Street. Sgt. Edgar Payne of the Wilshire Division said two officers from his station patrol Koreatown on foot.


The new Wilshire Center patrol was agreed upon after several months of “tenacious” lobbying by the Wilshire Chamber of Commerce and other community leaders who sought an additional and more visible police presence along the boulevard, said Richard E. McDermott, the chamber’s president.

The officers, who had not been selected as of last week, will get to know neighborhood merchants while trying to cut down on panhandling, robberies and car thefts, Kubitsky said.
