
5.6 Million American Workers Displaced in 1987-92 Recession

From Associated Press

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the number of displaced workers increased sharply in the last recession:

* An August report said 5.6 million workers who had been with their employers at least three years were displaced between January, 1987, and January, 1992. Nearly two-thirds were back at work when surveyed at the beginning of the year. Of those who had full-time work, only about half earned as much or more than they had when they lost their jobs.

* The number of displaced workers in this survey was 1.3 million higher than the number posted in the 1985-1990 period. In the 1990 survey, 72% of the displaced were working again.


* Of those displaced, 52% lost their jobs because a company or plant closed or moved. Nearly a third cited slack work.

* A third of the displaced workers--1.9 million--lost manufacturing jobs. In the early 1980s, manufacturing accounted for nearly half of all displacements.
